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Outsider Supply

سلة المشتريات

سلة مشترياتك فارغة

Don't miss the next drop

Our limited edition pieces of wearable art are made in our atelier with the discerning collector in mind.

Cy and I, Reflexive Edition
Aluminum, Silver Iodide, Tintype
8 in x 10 in, 2024

A collaborative piece by Outsider Supply artist McKenzie Thompson from her first set of tintypes, taught to her by photographer – and in this instance, subject – Tracy Berglund. Wearing her grandfather's Stetson and our Cy Twombly Groupie Crewneck, this moment is a true blending of art and life as Berglund gets "formally initiated" into the Cy Twombly fan club and Thompson takes a step away from digital art culture and gets back to the fundamentals of process work and the older tradition of hands-on photography.